Wednesday 19th
Once again 2807 was in service, and she is rostered to be in service over this weekend - the GWSR Wartime event (including a Spitfire in the car park - can’t wait to see it land there!).
So, the team was dedicated to boot scraper production today!
John T needle-gunning
and John G wire-brushing.
Bruce dusting rust off before painting bottoms
and Roger painting the brushes.
Apart from this, Gil & Brian had been to visit Graham, who is a technical drawer, to design the new ash pan. Gil & Brian subsequently popped in to see us at lunch time.
Fred and Bill were at Winchcombe, working on our siphon van.
Bruce did hunt for a piece of metal (roughly 1” x 3” x 12”) but couldn’t find any. This is for making the tender guard irons. Here is Bruce’s drawing of the scheme, plus a cut-out for test purposes.
It was decided to cancel the working group’s next planned day (Saturday) because of it being the Wartime Weekend and the fact that 2807 should be in operation again. Hence the reason for this brief report on how we keep ourselves busy when 2807 won’t keep still.
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