Sunday, 11 May 2014

Maintenance Update - two weeks to go? (siphon, brakes, Tyseley)

Fred reports (on siphon)
For those of you who were able to assist with the Siphon on Saturday last I would like to say a sincere thank you - I don't think I would have been up to the job.  We achieved a good deal between us on the day having stuck down the canvas over the whole length as well as re-panelling two awkward sections.  The photo is of Geof, David and John G on the covered roof, one of a number taken by Gilbert, note the steel cord connected to David who was also doing aerial ballet as an encore (he was trained on the day).

We now have to glue and tack down the edges which should be a bit more like a job for Gilbert and me.  However I think we will need someone on top again when it comes to the painting which will be ASAP and probably when I am on holiday. Not good organisation but we were requested to move on this by the C&W Dept who need the space. More pics will be available from me when I have enhanced them, my iPod didn't like the lighting conditions.

Woden's Day 7th
Bruce was totally focussed upon the loco brakes system.  Having laid out all of the rods (in order) and placed the correct brake block where it should be (as far as the bench would permit) he took measurements of every hole, connection and length.  No, they weren't identical!  In fact, I'm not sure any agreed with the drawing.  Bruce did find it useful having 2874 at the side, because the brake system is one of the things that the loco does have!

Last week, Bruce had spoken with Mark Y, who told him that brake blocks can be run down to an inch thick.  Our worst one is about 1.5 inches.  Therefore, it would seem sensible (and possible) to refit the old brake blocks on the loco (when it does finally return from Tyseley), rather than spend considerable time working out where the variances are located, why, and what should be done about it.  This work would be better done over winter, when we have the time to spend on it.  Now, we need to get the loco operational ASAP - no unnecessary messing about!

Gil came, though principally to meet Lynne at the F&W to discuss possible refreshments on the Supporters' Special (on 28th July - 28/07).  That sorted, he reviewed the options with Bruce and agreed a plan to refurbish brakes over winter.

Of course, not having expected to re-use these brake blocks, nobody has bothered cleaning them.  :-))

Meanwhile, I … well, you can guess what I was doing …  eight black bottoms.

Saturn's Day 10th
I needed Gil's autograph on cheques for 100 Club winners, so called in at Winchcombe.  He, Fred & Brian (!) were in the siphon.  The Coffee Pot Café had sold 3 b/scrapers.

Back at Todders, John G was wandering around looking for me.  He is wondering if anyone would like to see the 8mm cine film that he's got of the rescue of both the siphon & 2807.  Maybe we could show it in the Santa Grotto during our Supporters' Special Day (28 July - don't forget!).

On my tod, again, so just b/scraper painting today.

Assuming the "two weeks or so" is held, we have an extremely narrow window in which to get 2807 back, re-equipped, examined and steam tested.

The only date feasible to transport her back is Thursday 29th May.  Work will have to begin on Friday 30 May, and continue daily through to the following Wednesday (4 June).  The railway needs 2807 in service by 7 June because the 8F will be out of service.


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